I don’t think it surprises anyone at this point that the left has continually gaslit the American people. In fact, this gaslighting has happened since long before I was born. For the purposes of this article, I will be looking at the period between the fight to legalize gay “marriage” (Around 2003) and today.
I do need to state I have no problem with individual gay people, as much as I disagree with their lifestyle, they have free will as given by God. If they choose to sin that is on them. I cannot force them to follow God’s word. I do, however, have a problem with the LGBTQ2SIAA+ community, and the “allies” to that community. That is who I speak about in this article.
I remember when I was a child and the subject of gay “marriage” was up for national debate. I remember in 2008 when Prop 6 was struck down by a majority of Californians (which was later overturned by the California Supreme court). I remember the day the supreme court ruling was handed down in 2015 that made gay “marriage” acceptable in all 50 states. While I was young (especially in 2008) I was incredibly tuned into political debates. The one argument for gay “marriage” that was made through that entire time period was “they just want to get married and live in peace. They just want equality”. Clearly, that was a lie. Rather, clearly, that was not the stopping point.
In the past 6 years, things have escalated from the time I was a child (I’m 21). It was a slow escalation that seems to have been given jet fuel in the past two years because of the scamdemic and the rampant mental illness caused by it. New pronouns, kink acceptance, new sexual identities by the day. I could fill an entire book series about the escalation and build a bookshelf to house it in that would need to be constructed out of steel beams.
The short of the long of it was a slow drip of op-ed articles from LGBTQ focused, and leftist publications about wanting their children to see kink, taking children to the inherently sexual demonstrations known as “pride parades” (may I remind you pride is one of the 7 deadly sins), and dressing children up in drag so they may participate in drag shows. The last one I have personal knowledge of. One of my Professors at St. Edward’s University (a “catholic” university) dressed up her, at the time, 4-year-old daughter to participate in an on-campus drag show. That’s not to mention the two children were paraded around a drag show and told to collect money from patrons akin to what you would see at a strip club.
It’s culminated in the San Fransisco Gay Chorus (SF being the degeneracy capital of the United States [picture is nsfw]) singing “we are coming for your children, we are going to convert them”. I believe some of them just happen to be conflicted child sex offenders as well. To the infamous “Don’t Say Gay Bill” (which has nothing to do with homosexuality, and would stop classroom discussion of all sexualities, and sex, full stop. Not to mention that the word “gay” does not appear anywhere in the 7-page bill) that has caused the Democrats in Florida and around the nation to lose their dang minds.
It’s culminated in books being available to children in public schools and libraries that are sexually explicit in nature. If you do not believe there is a direct correlation between the LGBTQ2SIAA+ community and these books, may I point out that many of them have to do with sexual identities and just plain sexual exploration. (These examples were taken directly from makeschoolssafeagain.com). This is something that the left has fought for by framing it as “the Republicans want to ban books like the Nazis did!”
Now you must think “The LGBTQIAA+ community has denounced Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) so they aren’t condoning pedophilia”. Yes, it is true that they denounced MAPs, calling them “trolls” which they probably were initially (however some people took it seriously and it has grown to actually be what is on the tin). But it speaks volumes that now in 2022 there are teachers across the nation talking to children as early as kindergarten about sexual identities and made-up notions such as transgenderism. It speaks volumes that certain judges have reduced convictions of persons that are in possession of Child Pornography. It speaks volumes that the state of California no longer requires men who rape boys to register as sex offenders at the judge’s discretion.
History often rhymes it seems. While it may not be apparent to the people perpetuating a pedophilic agenda, there seems to be a movement to normalize sex, and sexuality within children. Why would this be concerning? Well in Weimar Germany, and during Germany’s sexual revolution (in the late 1910s to 1933) there were child prostitutes. Will we get to that point? We probably are already with elites like Bill Gates, and Bill Clinton befriending notorious Pedophile, and pimp, Jeffery Epstein. The refusal of the Biden Administration to do anything about the southern United States border will lead to more human trafficking, especially of children. And not to mention boys and girls are introduced to pornography at frighteningly young ages. I myself was exposed to it at the age of 10-11. The left is systematically desensitizing children to sex and sexuality.
Why is the left so hell-bent on teaching young children about sex? One could speculate endlessly about it. Say that the left wants to “Fuck kids”. While that may be true for some, I do not believe that is the ultimate purpose. It has already been proven that sexual promiscuity and pornography have led to a very compliant adult population. That is indisputable as evidenced by the reaction to the 2020 scamdemic. I believe that the end goal is to brainwash children, from a very young age, to be submissive to an elitist authority. The end goal is to distract the population from a young age from the fact that they are being ruled by a small “elitist” and satanic group, as surmised in the 1932 novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.
The ultimate goal has always been to distract from their power. So we can’t organize against it.
Because of the biological, and chemical implications of sex, it is easy to control a person and a populous with it. Why do you think commercials feature scantily clad women in sexually charged positions? “Sex sells” and sex is the most powerful tool that you can use to get (particularly men) go along with something. Couple that with how much sexual assault destroys a child’s psychology (especially if they are younger), they are cooking up a submissive generation so they can usurp God and usher in their “Ultimate power”.
The solution? Stop letting them silence you. You have everything to lose and nothing to gain from staying silent. Fight back.