Currently, in America, mental illness and being mentally ill somehow is a good thing. “Look at my struggle”, says the 16-year-old girl who posts nothing but oversexualized degenerate dance moves on her Tik Tok page, gaining hundreds of thousands of followers in the process. These videos are only broken up by her crying about her new “hardship” in life. Not to mention the ridiculous amounts of communities that have sprung up over “new” genders and sexual identities. Some of those identities' definitions are the same as other identities. It’s all madness. None of it makes sense.
We have found ourselves in a period in the United States history where we have it too good. There aren’t any real hardships anymore, well there weren’t. Now that we pissed away the golden years of economics, culture, and stability there will be real hardships. Hardships that people alive today have never seen. Hardships that are completely our doing. Previous generations were very hands-off with correcting society, not teaching proper discipline, values, and work ethic. Giving trophies to everyone from a young age and not teaching about failure. I remember that debate. I wrote a paper about it in middle school (unfortunately it is lost to time) where I said that attitude would have bad consequences. At the time I could not comprehend how bad. Now I see I may have underestimated the effects that this attitude has had on the populous.
With this attitude, we have created a weak society. A society that struggles very little in a traditional sense. So we as a society, and particularly my generation (Generation Z) started making our own struggles or falling into particularly easy and dangerous traps. I know personally many people, including myself, that suffer from anxiety, depression, addiction, etc. Couple that with there being in groups (groups like the LGBTQQIP2SAA+1) as well as out-groups. It’s become a fad to be an alphabet person, and people who genuinely struggle with disorders like gender dysphoria are reaffirmed, instead of being actually treated. I have no hate for these groups, rather I feel bad for them. They are not receiving the treatment they deserve because society has made treating the actual illness taboo and politically incorrect. Canada just recently passed a law that makes it illegal to reaffirm a person’s proper gender under a new ban on “Conversion Therapy”2 . Yet, as explicitly stated in the law, it’s only illegal if someone is trying to affirm them to be “heterosexual or cisgender identities”. It’s only a matter of time before these laws come to the United States.
We were destined to fall into this trap. Every great society does. Greece, Rome, and Weimar Germany close to their falls lend examples of some of the behaviors we see now.
Liberal thought and Liberal ideology are responsible for this.
It’s not only their fault, however. We as conservatives sat back and let Liberals take over, and we allowed Liberalism to invade all of our institutions. Government, culture, education, all of it. And we turn around and vote for these “conservatives” that in reality conserve nothing, only operating as a drag shoot for the liberal ideology. I’m looking at you, Dan Crenshaw, Mitt Romney, and Liz Cheney. We as conservatives “take the moral high ground”, and operate within the framework of our opposition, thinking that lends us any credibility with them when in reality all that does is slow them down slightly. We have so far left, we are accepting things that previously we fought hard against. For example gay marriage. Liberals don’t care about what the “right” thing is. They don’t care about the moral high ground. And they sure as hell don’t care about our moral framework They’ll take cheap shots all day long. Play dirty. Fight tooth and nail because who we are dealing with is fanatics. Religious fanatics. With the absence of God or God’s actual teachings, the left has made this tokenist, political, and honestly satanic religion out of their beliefs. The biggest example of this is the ‘COVID cult’ that has formed since March of 2020. They have crafted a religion that they will fight for to the death.
Most of, if not all of us would lay down our lives for God and country. Or at least we should be willing to. I am willing to. But I don’t see the same from some of my fellow conservatives. We have sat idling by. Let it creep up to us. Never putting our foot down. Never willing to sacrifice a little for the betterment of our country. Only now do we see people standing up. Only when it has become too much to ignore.
This is just as much our fault as the people we sit across from.
We like the left have become selfish. “As long as I can live a comfortable life, my kids can deal with the consequences” is what I hear when people make excuses on why they can’t or won’t do more. It’s oversimplified sure. But you can find 15 minutes a day to look at your kid’s homework. The 3 hours once every four months to ask the hard questions of your kid’s teachers. Of your leaders. Of the people, YOU check the box next to when you vote. Just because there is an R next to their name doesn’t mean they are conservative. You can find the time to be informed about local elections, who you want representing you, and hold them accountable when they don’t do as promised. Conservatives are starting to wake up to this fact but we have a long road ahead of us before we achieve victory.
I gave up a comfortable life. I was on track for a 6 figure job straight out of college. I could have raised a family on that and been comfortable while the country crumbled around me. I could have lived in my little bubble until the end. I gave that up to fight for my nation. So my children don’t have to grow up in whatever nightmare dystopia that comes next. That and I have a hard time keeping quiet about what I believe.
Every time I say this (which isn’t often) I get the same line. “Why would you do that?” or something else about money. Money isn’t everything to me. I don’t care. Not right now at least. Not that any of that money would have been worth anything in 5-10 years anyway. As long as I have a roof over my head and food on my table, my country is worth more to me than being wealthy. My children not having to face this insanity is worth more to me the 5 zeros at the end of a paycheck. Generations down the line not repeating the same mistakes we made, not falling into the same traps we did is worth more to me than almost anything. Almost. I have one weak spot. She means more to me than anything else.
To correct the course we will have to improve upon the ideas that founded our nation, as the founders had intended. The Constitution wasn’t supposed to be the be-all-end-all, but rather the jumping-off point. They had a vision for this country that I quite agree with. One that I want to reinstill and reignite within the hearts of Americans. Not teach them that this country was founded on bad principles and bad ideas. From there we need to consider the lessons that we have learned from the 250 some odd years and improve our charter as a nation.
We will never be able to reach a utopia, utopia only exists in heaven, but we can create a better version of what we have today. We can leave generations after us with a better roadmap for them to then improve on.
It’s Gen Z’s destiny to get this country back on track and continue the Great American Experiment our forefathers started.
God bless y’all.
God bless America.
Duke Univerity Office for Institutional Equity (
Canadian House of Commons Government Bill C-4 (44-1) (